For Such a Time as This

The German's have a great word for the 'spirit of the age'. ‘ZEITGEIST’. Meaning, the defining spirit or mood of a particular period in history.

As you look at the world today, what do you see as the Zeitgeist?

If I had to capture it in a word, it would be RESTLESSNESS. There’s a spirit of restlessness but with two different expressions.

One expression is dominated by fear and anxiety which never takes us anywhere healthy or helpful. Never has - never will. The other expression, is that people are restless for a different way of 'seeing and being'. A recognition that we cannot go on as we are.

What I see is a global awakening of the soul. And because we now have the internet and connection on an unprecedented scale, the possibilities for people to come together in this desire for change, is unlimited. THIS IS EXCITING.

People are hungry for DEPTH, searching for meaning and purpose and answers.  

I love these words from Harold Thurman who inspired the likes of Martin Luther king. “Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive”  

My purpose and passion, is to be part of a movement of people who are authentically aspiring to ‘come alive’ with a spirit of curiosity and wonder. To see beyond what we already see, in order to become more than we already are. As someone, who's been drawn into the compelling orbit of the expansive Christ, how do I respond to this spiritual searching and engage intelligently with the conversation out there.

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